During our survey of a leading Global Tyre and Rubber MNC we found the potential to improve the condensate and flash steam recovery in the plant i.e:
- Potential to recover flash steam which was venting out from the condensate collection tank
- Potential to enhance the heat content in the condensate being recovered
The plant had a conventionally designed condensate recovery system comprising a collection tank (open to the atmosphere) and a centrifugal pump to pump the condensate. Due to this conventional design, flash steam was venting from the collection tank and condensate was losing its heat due to higher residence time in the tank and higher radiation losses .
Root cause:
Ineffective design of the condensate and flash steam recovery system.
Our team helped redesign the condensate and flash steam recovery system. We computed the recoverable condensate and flash team quantities, selected and sized the recovery system and defined the necessary modifications required at the site in the piping. Based on our recommendations the plant made the necessary changes including installing a pressure power pump unit with flash separation vessel for condensate and flash steam recovery.
- Condensate return at high temperature 95oC +
- Zero live steam injection in deaerator, ie 700kg/hr of steam savings.
- Water saving 18 KL/DAY
- Monetary saving 443,520 MYR/Annum (105,600 USD/Annum)