
Our Technical Specialists carried out a detailed survey at one of the plants of a renowned Confectionary MNC Giant to identify potential for energy saving in the steam and condensate loop. The plant had two key areas they wanted us to work on
1. Design a system to recover condensate which was being drained
2. Identify the reason for frequent PHE leakages in the Hot water system resulting in low uptime and guidance to improve the uptime


  1. As the plant was not recovering any condensate, the steam boiler was consuming fresh makeup water. This meant
    • Higher fresh water intake in the plant
    • Higher effluent load generation
    • Low boiler feed water temperature resulting in higher fuel consumption.
  2. Frequent PHE leakage for Hot water system which was occurring due to stall resulting is low uptime for the machine.


Our team established the quantum of condensate recoverable and designed the complete condensate and flash recovery system .
The plant implemented our recommendations including:

  1. A Flash Jet Pump (FJP) to recover flash steam and condensate.
  2. Replacing the conventional steam trap with a Steam Operated Pumping Traps to evacuate condensate from the Hot Water System (PHE) so as to eliminate the issue of stall


  • Recovery of complete condensate (earlier being drained)
  • Condensate temperature 100˚C
  • Recovery of 100% of the flash steam (earlier vented to atmosphere)
  • Reduced fresh water consumption (Water saving 15 KL/Day)
  • Reduced effluent load
  • Fuel saving 6 %
  • Monetary saving 136,500 MYR/Annum (32,500 USD/Annum)