An MNC Healthcare and Hygiene giant shared their goals to achieve a Zero Leak – Zero Drain condensate and flash recovery system with our technical experts. Their concerns included :
- Visible venting of flash steam
- Condensate loss and low temperature recovery
- As part of Zero Loss – Zero Drain philosophy eliminate visible venting of flash steam in the plant
- Heat loss from condensate – recovery temperature of only 65 degrees Centigrade
Root Cause and Solutions
Our technical experts studied the plant in detail and established the following:
- The quantity of condensate being recovered and the potential for additional recovery
- The quantity of flash steam being vented in the plant
- Evaluation of the alternatives to recover and utilise flash steam i.e. LP process or Boiler House
- The reasons for loss of condensate heat
Based on our assessment:
- We recommended a change in the conventional design of the condensate and flash steam recovery system
- The condensate after the steam traps was taken to a new flash jet pump. This would enable the plant to recover both condensate and flash steam back to the boiler house
- The design scheme along with sizing of the pump and necessary piping changes in the plant was provided to facilitate easy implementation
- The change in the recovery system design eliminated storage and multiple handling of condensate which was leading to the loss of heat. The new design also facilitated recovery of flash steam which was earlier being vented.
- Replacement of the electrical pump by a steam operated system reduced the cost of recovery
- An improvement in the condensate temperature from 65 degrees centigrade to 107degrees centigrade
- Zero Loss – Zero Leak condensate and flash recovery system i.e. no flash venting or condensate leakage from the system
- Annual savings of USD15,000 by improving condensate heat recovery and flash steam recovery
- 200 Kilo litres in fresh water savings