Closed and Open loop Sampling Systems
Forbes Marshall provides Customised solutions for gas and liquid sampling. Samples in petroleum refineries, petrochemical complexes and chemical industries are either flammable or hazardous. Forbes Marshall’s closed loop sampling system provides a safe means to sample these fluids.
Since the final product produced in the petrochemical industry is required to be of high standard quality, the need to analyze the process at various points is very essential. Further to this, samples extracted can be collected in a sample cylinder or sample bottles for lab analysis with an ease of operation, handling and safety of the operator.
These sampling systems are available in flow through to vent and flow through to process plus vent configuration and are designed to handle a wide range of fluids like :
(1) High pressure gases Hot gases
(2) Hot flashing liquids Toxic fluids
(3) Light and medium distillates
- Cooler for high temperature and pressure fluids NRV in the venting avoid back-flow
- QDVs to avoid spillage and helps in safe removal of cylinder assembly
- Seamless spun cylinder (no welds, less corrosion) Dip tubes and rupture disc for flashing liquids
- No sample leakages and spillages leads to safer environment and personnel safety
- Safety of Operator while collecting samples from Hazardous processes
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