The increasing push towards sustainability combined with the need to improve the bottomlines hard presses today’s managers to keep their plants running efficiently, 24×7. Lack of real-time data makes it very difficult to identify gaps and take prompt corrective actions. This lack of information leads to slower decisions which ultimately lead to productivity and efficiency losses.
Forbes Marshall everSENSE™ is an IoT (Internet of Things) enabled solution. It centralizes real time plant data, thereby enabling plant managers to take informed decisions on-the-go leading to improved plant safety, productivity and efficiency.
everSENSE™ calculates around 20 crucial plant KPIs and presents them on a highly intuitive dashboard. everSENSE™ plays an important role in improving coordination between different teams and bring coherency into their actions.

- Built on more than seven decades of experience in plant energy optimisation.
- Easy to deploy and intuitive to use.
- Smart alarms in case of sever breaches where prompt response is required.
- Enables quick diagnosis of root causes and helps resolve pertinent problems.
- Better co-ordination between process and utilities which leads to optimised batch time, enhanced productivity and quality.
- Imparts complete control over process which leads to higher profits.
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