In a Solvent Extraction Plant steam is required at nearly every stage from Preparatory Section, Distillation Section to Desolventising Toaster (DT), out of which the preparatory section consumes almost 30% of the total plant steam. Preparatory Section mostly known as the prep Section is heart of SEP. Manual operation of prep adds on to variation in raw material leading to higher moisture feed to SEP, lower yield and quality of DOC.
Such errors hamper productivity, quality, and energy consumption.
prepMAC – an Intelligent control system for cooker, conditioner, expander, expeller & dryer in prep section of solvent extraction plants which control & maintain process parameters, reduces variation, control moisture feed & improves productivity

Digitally Enabled FM Digital Services Available
- Precise temperature control at cooker outlet.
- Optimum open steam consumption at Conditioner / Expander / Expeller.
- Dryer temperature control based on outlet moisture.
- Efficient condensate evacuation & recovery.
- Outlet moisture monitoring & control.
- Trends, Graphs & Analysis of DT& Heaters.
- Uniform quality of feed to SEP
- Improved productivity.
- Lower steam consumption.
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