Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Pressure Powered Pump Packaged Unit PPPPU

Condensate carries 12% of total energy in the steam generated and utilised. Without a proper recovery mechanism, this energy is bound to be wasted. In order to keep energy requirements to a minimum, it is important that condensate is handled efficiently and energy from the condensate is recovered and utilized for heating up the feedwater.

When it comes to pumping the condensate collected, centrifugal pumps prove to be highly limiting and costly. The Forbes Marshall Pressure Powered Pump Packaged Unit is designed to pump condensate without electricity, using just 3 kg of steam per ton of condensate. It can pump condensate at higher temperatures of 100 Deg C and more.


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  • PPPPU comes as a complete skid mounted package unit with receiver, motive steam line and check valve at outlet.
  • Designed to Pump condensate at 100 Deg. C. plus temperatures for recovery of maximum energy.
  • PPPPU has been tested for 1 million cycles of operation.
  • Can work on steam as well as air and available in capacities to recover 50 to 50,000 kg/hr of condensate
  • Helps to achieve the industry best condensate recovery factors leading to lower cost of steam.
  • Substantially lower cost of operation and significantly high amount of recovered heat.
  • Helps achieve high feed water temperature by enabling condensate recovery at high temperatures which eliminates the use of water treatment chemicals to drive off the dissolved gases.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    Why steam powered pumps are better than electrical pumps for pumping the condensate?

    Mechanical or steam powered pumps perform much better when it comes to pumping hot condensate. First of all, cost of steam used by mechanical pumps is just a fraction of the cost of electricity required by electrical pumps. Electrical pumps cannot pump the condensate at 100 Deg. C. as it leads to cavitation in the pumps. As a result, when electrical pumps are used, the condensate needs to be cooled down which wastes the heat energy contained in it. On the other hand, the mechanical pump can pump condensate at 100 Deg. C.

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