Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Transmitter AMI Oxytrace

In Steam and Water Circuit temperature of water is increased from room temperature to superheated steam temperatures. In temperature range of 200to 250°C (feed water), dissolved oxygen causes corrosion of components and piping. Iron reacts with dissolved oxygen in feed water circuit resulting pitting may eventually cause puncturing and failures of Parts in Steam water circuits. Parts like condensers, Low Pressure Heaters (LPH), Feed water tanks, High pressure Heaters and Economizers need to be protected from dissolved oxygen attack. Dissolved oxygen also promotes electrolytic action between dissimilar metals causing corrosion and leakage at joints and gaskets.

In power plants various feed water treatments like :
(1) All Volatile Treatment (AVT-R or AVT-O)
(2) Oxygenated Treatment (OT)
(3) Combine Water Treatment (CWT)
are adopted to minimize corrosion.

Thus it is very important and critical to monitor and control Dissolved oxygen and pH values in Feed water systems.
The typical points in steam circuit where dissolved oxygen monitoring is required are . Condenser outlet, L.P. heaters, Economizer inlet.

AMI Oxytrace is single channel wall mounted 4wire pH transmitter from SWAN Switzerland. This Transmitter is available with Freely programable Analog Output as well as Relay Board and RS-485 Modbus or Profibus Option

Digitally Enabled

  • Measurement ranges: Dissolved oxygen: 0.01ppb to 20 ppm; Saturation: 0 to 200%
  • Two current signal outputs (0/4 – 20 mA) for measured signals
  • Potential free alarm contact as summary alarm indication for programmable alarm values and for instrument faults
  • Two potential free contacts programmable as limit switch or PID-control
  • Input for potential free contact to freeze the measuring value or to interrupt control in automated installations

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