Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation


Vertical drying range (VDR) is a widely used machine for fabric drying applications in textile plants. Often it is designed for a particular quality of cloth. In actual operation, VDR is operated at a much lower load compared to design due to the variety of fabrics processed.

In such circumstances, lower capacity utilisation leads to over-drying of cloth, lower drying rate, higher radiation losses, and excessive steam consumption. vdrMAC is a fully automated system which optimises the steam consumption of VDR based on actual load. Thie leads to getting the right outlet moisture, lowering radiation losses, and improving the productivity of VDR. vdrMAC ensures desired moisture % & improved productivity of VDR.

  • Real-time measurement and control of moisture content.
  • Optimises quantity of steam as per the requirement to achieve desired moisture.
  • vdrMAC comes with an efficient condensate recovery system which ensures proper condensate evacuation.
  • Air & non condensable gases vented out to ensure proper heating.
  • Ease of operation with HMI.

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