Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Boiler Blowdown Control System (BBCS)

As steam is generated, the water in the boiler drum evaporates into steam leaving down the dissolved imporuties. As a result, with continued operation, the TDS level of the boiler water starts to increase. When these levels go beyond the manufacturer’s specified maximum TDS range, scale deposits begin to form on the boiler drum & tubes.

This leads to corrosion and deposits on heat transfer surfaces. This affects the heat transfer efficiency resulting in higher steam demand and increased fuel bills.

Boiler Blowdown Control System from Forbes Marshall eliminates all the disadvantages associated with manual blowdown. The boiler is blown down only when, and for as long as required thus protecting the boiler. The system also guarantees the protection of your boiler by ensuring that the set TDS level is never exceeded.

Digitally Enabled

  • 4 digit LED display to show TDS levels
  • Simple push button interface for easy operation
  • Temperature compensation for accurate TDS determination.
  • Can be integrated with any existing boiler with minimum modifications.

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