Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Globe Valves

Forbes Marshall globe valves are ideal for use in applications that require shut-off/throttling and frequent operations. Parabolic, vee-type regulating, swivel and guided plug and stem, soft seat are offered for different applications as required. They are designed to cater to sampling requirements of high-pressure supercritical boilers and power plants.

  • Parabolic plug design
  • Guided plug for higher sizes and higher pressure rating
  • Pressure balancing plug to reduce operating thrust and torque

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is a globe valve?

    A globe valve is a linear motion valve designed to regulate flow in a pipeline. Its primary function is throttling where precise flow control is required.

    What factors influence the selection of a globe valve?
    • Application (throttling, on/off)
    • Flow rate and pressure drop requirements
    • Fluid type (corrosive, abrasive, etc.)
    • Temperature and pressure ratings
    • End connection type (flanged, threaded, welded)
    Can globe valves handle high-temperature and high-pressure applications?

    Globe valves can be used in high temperatures and high-pressure applications, provided they are made from suitable materials and designed according to relevant standards.

    What are the advantages of globe valves?

    Globe valves offer precise flow control, ensuring accurate regulation of fluid flow, pressure, or temperature. With effective shut-off capability, they minimise leakage and maintain system integrity. The globe design allows for reliable performance in systems that require regular adjustments. Additionally, globe valves are adaptable for both on/off and throttling applications, making them a versatile choice for a wide range of industrial and process control needs.

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