Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Monitor AMI Hydrazine

In All Volatile Treatment-Reducing (AVT-R) treatment chemicals Like Hydrazine/ Carbohydrazine or DEHA are dosed in Boiler feed water. Such treatments are used for Steam water circuits with mixed metallurgy.

These Chemicals act as an oxygen scavenger and a source of feed water alkalinity has well known advantages e.g. :
a) It prevents frothing in the boiler.
b) It minimizes deposits on metal surfaces.

In addition to its oxygen-scavenging function, hydrazine helps to maintain a protective magnetite layer over steel surfaces, and maintain feed water alkalinity to prevent acidic corrosion. The nominal dosage rate for hydrazine in feed water is about three times its oxygen level. Under dosing of hydrazine leads to increased corrosion; overdosing represents a costly waste. Monitoring the dissolved oxygen levels is not sufficient to control the optimum concentration because its provides no measure of any excess hydrazine.
The typical points in steam circuit where hydrazine monitoring is required are . Re-heaters, Economizer inlet, L.P. heaters.

Monitor AMI Hydrazine is specially designed for monitoring trend of this critical parameter in Boiler feed water

Digitally Enabled
  • Automatic temperature compensation
  • Automatic, continuous monitoring of sample flow and sensor cleanliness
  • Simple programming of all parameters by keypad
  • Electronic record of major process events and calibration data
  • Two current signal outputs (0/4-20 mA), galvanically separated from sensor input, for hydrazine or carbohydrazide concentration and temperature or as continuous control outputs

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