Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation
Forbes Marshall - Trusted Partners in Steam Engineering & Control Instrumentation

Piston Valves PSVAL

Forbes Marshall Piston Valves are the best technical fit to cater to a variety of fluid isolation applications in the industrial sector.

They find application in a variety of media in process and utilities like saturated steam, superheated steam, heat transfer fluids, nitrogen and more. Our piston valves are unique in their ability to provide a perfect inline shut off and no gland leakage. This ensures zero inline/external leakage.

  • 480 to 600 % higher sealing area.
  • Class VI bubble tight shut off: burnished piston sealing.
  • Zero gland leakage, Soft seated Sealing Perfect interface fit, Interchangeable parts
  • Protection of wetted parts: In open and closed condition, piston remains enclosed in sealing rings and is hence protected from erosive or corrosive material.

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